Keynote Speakers

Professor Alejandro F Frangi, FREng
英国皇家工程院院士, 中国工程院外籍院士
Bicentennial Turing Chair in Computational Medicine
RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies
University of Manchester and KU Leuven, UK

Professor Alejandro F Frangi, FREng Bicentennial Turing Chair in Computational Medicine RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies University of Manchester and KU Leuven Prof Frangi is the Bicentennial Turing Chair in Computational Medicine at the University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, with joint appointments at the Computer Science and Health Sciences Schools. He is a member of the Christabel Pankhurst Institute ( on health technologies research and innovation. He is also the Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies, with a focus on Precision Computational Medicine for in silico trials of medical devices. He is an Alan Turing Institute Fel-low. His research vision was recently awarded an ERC Advanced Grant from the European Research Council. He also leads the InSil-icoUK Pro-Innovation Regulations Network ( Professor Frangi's primary research interests lie at the crossroads of medical image analysis and modelling, emphasising machine learning (phenomenological models) and computational physiology (mechanistic models). He is particularly interested in statistical methods applied to population imaging and in silico clinical trials. His highly interdisciplinary work has been translated into cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and neurosciences.