Special Session 3 - Edge AI and Visual Analysis

  • Submission Link: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=prai2024
    (Select Track Special Session 3: Edge AI and Visual Analysis)

    Important Date:
    Submission deadline: 2024.06.30
    Notification deadline: 2024.07.15

    Edge artificial intelligence refers to the deployment of AI algorithms and AI models directly on local edge devices such as sensors or Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which enables real-time data processing and analysis without constant reliance on cloud infrastructure. Edge AI is growing in popularity as industries discover new ways to harness its power to optimize workflows, automate business processes and unlock new opportunities for innovation, all while addressing concerns such as latency, security, and cost reduction. This special session aims to present and discuss frontier edge AI techniques and its vision applications in various fields, like autonomous vehicle, mobile phones, surveillance, wearable devices, etc.

    Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
    -Efficient learning
    -Hardware-aware model design
    -Mobile vision analysis
    -Deep learning for IoT and wearable devices
    -Fast learning for Automonous vehicles
    -Deep inference algorithm and framework optimization
    -Feature extraction and learning speed-up optimization
    - Ethical and responsible AI in intelligent systems

    Prof. Chen Tao, Fudan University, China | eetchen@fudan.edu.cn
    Prof. Fan Jiayuan, Fudan University, China | jyfan@fudan.edu.cn
    Prof. Zou Zhuo, Fudan University, China | zhuo@fudan.edu.cn