Special Session 5 - Intelligent affective computing and human-computer interaction systems

  • Submission Link: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=prai2024
    (Select Track Special Session 5: Intelligent affective computing and human-computer interaction systems)

    Important Date:

    Submission deadline: 2024.06.30
    Notification deadline: 2024.07.15

  • Emotion is an essential and dispensable component in the realization of human-computer interaction~(HCI) and machine intelligence. Affective computing is an umbrella term for human emotion, sentiment and feelings, emotion recognition, and sentiment analysis. With the rapid development of deep learning technology, icomputing has become a hot research topic in HCI.This special issue will solicit contributions on the recent progress of emotion recognition, sentiment analysis and applications in affective computing and HCI.

    Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
    —Emotion-Guided LLM
    —Facial expression or micro-expression analysis
    —Speech emotion recognition
    —Multi-modal Emotion Recognition and Sentiment Analysis
    —Emotional Dialogue Generation
    —Emotionally driven AI virtual digital human
    —Personalized human-computer interaction system
    —Human body motion and gesture based interaction

    Sirui Zhao, University of Science and Technology of China & Southwest University of Science and Technology, China (sirui@mail.ustc.edu.cn)